Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hey Summer!!!...

Get your butt back here! It can't be almost the end of you! I haven't had time to enjoy ya yet! I feel ripped off, cheated, gypped.

Here's a quick listing of all things that I haven't done yet:

Gone to the beach... though I do like it much better in the winter when no one is around...
Barbequed... the bbq ran outta gas early June...and just got itself re-filled... so we can probably fire that baby up this weekend...
Sat in the sun... mainly cuz it's been way too stinkin' hot here this summer...
Washed my car... but we shan't even go there!
Planted a vegetable garden... hmmm... maybe we can consider a fall one!
Haven't read 1/3 of the books I hauled home from Dallas...but I did spend a weekend reading Luanne Rice's new one. about great! Currently enjoying Diane Mott Davidson's latest... and next up... hmmm... think I'll ready a bit of Carly Phillips...

And I could go on...and on...and on some more! So, see Summer! You can't flee away just yet..

But here's the good news! August is supposed to be our warmest month here. Cools off in a whole degree! So, yep...though the days'll be a tad shorter, the nights a bit longer... I'll get my licks in! Just you wait ain't fleein' outta here yet!