Sunday, June 24, 2007

Progress Report...

Been a busy week. The first couple of days, those dratted dust bunnies thought they'd won. I had no energy to do a thing. It was an effort to even move from room to room around all the clutter, but I cracked the whip and made myself do stuff. By Tuesday, things were lookin' a bit more positive...and suddenly, my house was beginning to look more like my home.

I no longer had to fear the Health Department arriving unannounced to conduct an impromptu inspection and then board up the joint as a scary health hazard. The furniture was no longer gray but the natural brown it started out as since it was now cleared of dust.

The kitchen floor is again clean enough to eat off of ... and no I won't...and no...I don't really believe in the five-second rule...

Am I done?


Still have my office (horrors!) and the family room (but I did make a dent in it...) and the garage (let's not go there...except to say the car still fits...and we know it's a Highlander not a Mini Cooper...)...

But it's definitely fit enough for habitation that I allowed the plumber inside to fix both toilets that were leaking like sieves and both sink-faucets that squirted everywhere but into the sinks.

So life is definitely good in Brooke-World.

Now... if only I could find the words to write... they now seem to be hiding...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Vacation, Vacation, Vacation...

Well, kinda but not exactly...

True, I have nine wonderful, glorious, free days ahead of me. But I'm not going anywhere. With luck, I'll barely even leave the abode except to pick up viddles... and cleaning supplies.

Yep. I am gonna stay around town and reclaim my home.

Dust Bunnies! You are on notice. Cobwebs and Eight-Legged Friends! Here's your notice as well. Run! Run while you can... cuz soon you are gonna be chased by the Big Red Suckin' Machine... if I can find it amid the clutter...

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Brooke is Back!...

Like a bad penny!

Been working like a nut, been to a family wedding, been dealing with family crises, been not havin' a whole lot of fun. But, luckily, all is turning out well.

And while I currently look like hell, and feel like hell, life is lookin' pretty grand. I suppose every once in a while we need that reality check that helps us put the important things back in the frontline.

So...since today is my birthday, and since I got the best present possible finding out that my father is gonna be okay again for a good long time, and since I love brand new beginnings, I am making good on my promise made in the last post.

I am back... with a vengeance... for at least a bit...